Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tuesday's Top 3

Happy Tuesday, friends! Today is the beginning of our family's "weekend"; I'm always elated to have PK home, and I'm eager to spend the next few days together with my sweet family! Tuesdays are also going to be an occasion for me to post my "Top 3's" on the blog each week. One of my favorite bloggers, Erika, conceived this notion, and I thought it would be a valuable weekly addition to my blog! Basically, I develop a central theme & post my "Top 3" ideas regarding that subject. It seems like a simple, easy way for me to share my opinions/ knowledge on a broad range of concepts! Hopefully, it's appealing & agreeable to my readers! Let me know (:

This week I'm going to focus on Emmy Kate: the tiniest, spunkiest, silliest member of our family! She turned 19 months old yesterday (August 10), and I thought this post would be an ideal opportunity to present an update on her development & personality.
19 months old!

1) Emmy is talking! It's certainly reasonable that nearly all people who are familiar with our family question whether or not Emmy will have autism. As her parents, we've speculated this from the day we learned we were expecting her. The simple fact that she is vocal has alleviated our concerns of autism significantly! It's not a definitive answer, but it was the primary element of her development we've been praying to witness since she was born! To hear her sweet voice is such a glorious answered prayer! She is consistently successful at repeating words & imitating, but she also speaks & requests items independently! A selection of her most frequented words: banana, book, Momma, Dadda, GiGi, uh-oh, ball, play-dough, bye-bye, water & bath. In addition, Emmy has proficiently mastered several signs, as well. She can routinely sign for "more," "please," "drink," & "thank-you." So proud of my girl's rapidly developing communicative skills! 

2) Emmy is a superb sleeper & eater! From the first night we brought her home, she has slept through the night (praise the Lord!), and she continues to regularly sleep for 12-13 hours at bedtime. Additionally,  she's an outstanding napper; she consistently takes a 3 hour nap every afternoon. I'm exceedingly pleased with her sleeping schedule; it positively benefits both of us! Her only requirements include being in a considerably dark room with an abundance of white-noise & that she's in constant possession of her "lovey"... which is actually the remarkably soft & velvety robe that PK gifted to me last Christmas.
Furthermore, this kid loves to eat! I'm reasonably confident that she eats more than Mason & Brooke... combined! Anything we place in front of her, she enjoyably consumes! After routinely struggling for several years with 2 excessively picky eaters, it's been pleasantly satisfying to not endure that same stress with Emmy during meals. Emmy's favorites include: bananas, blueberries, grapes, apples, pancakes, hotdogs, pasta, chicken nuggets & yogurt. She may also be a passionate admirer of dessert, but I have no idea where she may have inherited that trait! (;

3) My only real concern regarding Emmy is her social development. She doesn't necessarily display any real need for worry, but considering that her sole role-models in this area are Mason & Brooke (who notably struggle with social interaction with kids their age), I fear that she may be potentially deprived of  appropriate learning opportunities in this section of her developmental progression. I'm so grateful that she has the opportunity to interact with other toddlers during our weekly Moms Group, but I worry if that's sufficient. However, I can confidently say Emmy is desperate to play with her siblings! Unfortunately, they don't share the same desire or reciprocate her enthusiasm to play together. Their refusal doesn't deter her, though! Emmy unceasingly perseveres, following them around daily & injecting herself into their playtime.

Each month, I'm exceedingly grateful for Emmy's presence in our family. 19 months have passed exceptionally quickly, and I'm excitedly anxious to see what the next 19 months have in store for my sweet, angel girl!
A few photos of my Emmy Kate that I haven't had to opportunity to share on social media!

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