Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm hoping the first half of your week has gone by smoothly & blissfully. Today I'll be joining a few of my fellow (fabulous) bloggers, Mel, Shay, & Shaeffer, for their What's Up Wednesday link-up. It's a fun, refreshing method for me to share with my readers what various things our family has been up to recently!

What We're Eating This Week: 
 I'd love to post some elaborate meal plan full of healthy, delectable cuisine, but that's simply not how our family operates! Instead, we'll probably enjoy a few nights of grilling and devour several savory frozen meals (; Luckily, our lovely city hosts several Food Truck rally's each month. These events are fun opportunities to sample unique, tasty creations from local food trucks. Our favorites have included lobster rolls, waffles, fajita tacos, BBQ nachos, and elk sausage! 
Enjoying the Food Truck Rally on Tuesday evening
As far as my kiddos go, autism often goes hand in hand with food aversions. Children with autism are significantly more likely to have mealtime challenges such as extremely narrow food selections, ritualistic eating behaviors, and meal-related tantrums. We struggle with Mason & Brooke's awfully limited diet on a daily basis. Thankfully, we've found a few things they're willing to eat that have a decent nutritional value, but they routinely eat the same things each day.  However, Emmy enjoys eating whatever is put in front of her! She typically eats whatever anyone else is dining on, and doesn't require a singular, separate meal to be prepared for her.

What I'm Reminiscing About:
My sweet boy, Mason Cole!  This handsome kid started kindergarten this morning! I'm SO proud of the little man he is becoming. He's accomplished so many remarkable things over the last few years, despite facing significant challenges & frustrating obstacles. He's been perfectly adorable since the day he was born, and I'm thrilled to continue to watch him grow and progress now that he's entered the exciting world of elementary school! 

What I'm Loving:
 Now that school is starting for Mason & Brooke, I'll have more alone time with this precious angel! Of course I miss my big kids while they're gone, but I'm so grateful to have my cherished time to spend one-on-one with Miss Emmy. Sending Mason off to kindergarten is a distinct reminder that time with my babies is limited, so I'm eager to spend it making sweet memories in the mornings with my beautiful girl! I want to use these moments to remind myself how fleeting this season truly is. We are blessed, mommas, to get to raise these little hearts!

What We've Been Up To:
With summer break coming to a close, we made sure to spend an abundance of time enjoying our kiddos as they engaged in their most beloved activity: joyfully playing at the park!
We've also been actively preparing for Mason to start kindergarten! We excitedly attended Meet the Teacher night, participated in the kindergarten picnic (Emmy enjoyed the watermelon!), and have been reading through numerous Back to School themed stories.

What I'm Dreading:
Now that school has started for myself (I'm returning to college!) and Mason, I'm not thrilled at the prospect of extensive amount of homework! I'm also not overly fond of waking up early to get everyone ready for school! 

What I'm Watching/ Reading:
Regrettably, PK & I have NO time to actually sit down & read. The only stories I've read recently are those involving racoons & Clifford the Big Red Dog! 
It's also challenging for us to find time to enjoy television shows. It regularly takes us 4-5 hours to simply finish a 1-hour program! But when we do find the opportunity, here are a few of our favorites:

What I'm Doing this Weekend:
Does Friday count as the weekend? Let's pretend it does. I'm SO excited to be attending my first MOPs meeting on Friday morning. I always look forward to any opportunity to fellowship with other mothers; It's such a extraordinary occasion to (hopefully) be inspired by the friendship & knowledge of a new, diverse group of moms!
What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month:
I am anxiously anticipating our vacation next month! PK & I are celebrating our 5-year wedding anniversary in October. To commemorate the special occasion, we're traveling  to our favorite destination: the beach! We'll be headed to Santa Monica, CA to visit Venice Beach Boardwalk & Six Flags Magic Mountain. I'm SO blessed to be married to such a selfless, responsible, affectionate guy & I can hardly wait to spend 3 lovely days together by the ocean!
 The last time we visited the beach in June 2012

Thanks SO much for reading along today! May the remainder of your week be blessed with God's abundant love!

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